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Original Organization Overview



NJCDLP 2004 - 2009

Pictured Above - Early Organization Logo

​NJCDLP emerged in late 2004 with these opening words:

National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc. was developed and is being operated by people who understand that at this time in America,  successfully litigating for the public good can require more than clever legal arguments and compelling facts. NJCDLP founders assembled and laid the foundation for recruiting some of the most formidable legal scholars, civil litigators, investigators, public relations and marketing experts,  journalists, fund raisers and special events    coordinators   to   oversee   a   

Current NJCDLP Projects


National Forum On

Judicial Accountability 

is a legislative initiative to vest randomly selected, trained, and rotating panels of private citizens with responsibility for state judicial disciplinary processes.


Power Over Poverty Under Laws of America Restored 

is a legal reform organization focusing on civil and criminal justice system issues.


Organizations Associating for the Kind of Change America Really Needs 

is a national coalition of grassroots advocates.

virtual ADVOCACY MACHINE for representative victims of legal abuse. The objective is legal reform through litigation, galvanized by every imaginable form of advocacy that can lawfully and effectively help preserve the "rule of law" in the United States on a case by case by case basis.  At NJCDLP, we do not chase crowds and big budgets. We construct them from available resources. Our strength is the collective strength of conscientious people. We do not borrow our creed from the familiar phrase, “from each according to his ability to each according to his need”.

Come to NJCDLP, expecting to “get by with a little help from (your) friends".  Yet the goal of that help is real, measurable relief.  NJCDLP is geared to strike a balance as best it can between the lofty pursuit of positive, government reform and the provision of immediate relief to victims of past and present malefactors. The divide is much smaller than many people think.

When NJCDLP began, it explained:

Nearly three decades ago,** Congress enacted what is now Title 28 U.S.C. §351 et seq., (the Judicial Improvements Act, formerly the) Judicial Conduct and Disability Act, by which anyone can file a complaint against a federal judge, charging him or her with misconduct or a disability impeding the judge's job performance. The statute is one component of a larger self-policing scheme for local, state and federal judges that apparent consensus deems ineffective. National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc. (NJCDLP) was accordingly created to help regulate America's judiciary by duly increasing its exposure to professional discipline, civil damages awards, and/or criminal prosecution for the knowing participation of judges in abuse of the American legal system.

Legal abuse occurs when any officer of an American court or quasi-judicial agency abandons the "rule of law"; knowingly transgresses the U.S. Constitution; ignores the civil rights of any American; usurps power from an executive or legislative branch of government; and/or commits a crime in his or her official capacity. Legal abuse manifests itself in a variety of ways.  However, NJCDLP focuses on a potential obstacle to its exposure – perhaps the most grave form of the corruption – judicial collusion. Judicial collusion results from an illicit conspiracy or conspiracies involving a judge or judges in their official capacity. It may display itself through cronyism, political connections, and/or blatant bias. While confirmed judicial collusion is often traced to bribery, NJCDLP primarily tracks it to and through relatively subtle but compelling evidence that is a matter of public record.

**Now, more than three (3) decades have passed.

NJCDLP generally challenges judicial collusion through its projects NFOJA, POPULAR, and/or OAK -- links to which appear to the top right of this page.  However it occasionally addresses such matters directly for "Friends of Justice".


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