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NJCDLP Privacy Policy

If a private individual emails, phones or otherwise contacts NJCDLP and provides personally identifiable information, NJCDLP will not use that information for any purpose other than to respond to the individual's inquiry unless and until he or she clearly expresses or displays interest in broader contact and/or notification(s). This website captures limited information about visits to the site, but that information is used only to analyze site traffic patterns and to perform routine system maintenance.

Given the publicly stated mission of organizations contacted by NJCDLP, that contact is presumed welcomed unless written notice to the contrary is received by NJCDLP's registered agent.   Click to Registered Agent   There is less presumptuousness about unsolicited contact of private individuals by NJCDLP, particularly when they are not key agents of any legal reform organization.

No individual or organization in contact, engaged in any transaction, or otherwise affiliated with NJCDLP shall be identified, nor shall their or its interaction with NJCDLP be disclosed by NJCDLP without his, her or its explicit consent.   Nonetheless, NJCDLP cannot be responsible for any incrimination caused by it being passively identified such as during a return phone call, in a return address, etc. Those in communication with NJCDLP must ensure that they can be reached discreetly by NJCDLP.

Please direct any concerns about the foregoing privacy policy to NJCDLP via email: or by phone: (404) 590-5039  NJCDLP may also be reached at 3274 Mount Gilead Road SW -- Atlanta, Georgia  30311.


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