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Community Mobilization.  Personal Empowerment.


In anticipation of regular direct action as of late Spring 2014, all groups and programs comprising "The Law Project" are co-sponsoring a two (2) month exercise in community mobilization and personal empowerment.


  • May 7, 2014 - July 7, 2014


Members, program participants, and supporters of NFOJA (National Forum On Judicial Accountability), OAK (Organizations Associating for the Kind of Change America Really Needs), and POPULAR (Power Over Poverty Under Laws of America Restored) are encouraged to identify two (2) adults they can reasonably rely on to attend with them one or more of the groups' peaceful assemblies.


Obviously a point of this Justice Trio Campaign is to boost attendance at demonstrations and community meetings spearheaded by The Law Project (TLP). But a tremendously important, related goal is to enhance the ability of TLP members/supporters to recruit support for social justice initiatives.


Let's Talk To, Not At Each Other.


At present, grassroots reform activists somewhat spam each other with invites and announcements; then sit back hoping this thing or another catches on or takes off.  Real dialogue is not a clear or necessary part of the process.  


When is the last time you asked a person you know as opposed to a list serv, "What do you think about that event . . . Want to go?"


It seems that if anyone is inclined to form a Justice Trio or recruit Justice Buddies, they'll HAVE to reach out and actually ask for participation . . . not just let an electronic message do all the talking.  


Pushing Past Isolation.


Anyone traumatized by serious abuse of power - whether at home, work, or in any aspect of society - is likely to experience some degree of ostracization and self-isolation. The abuser invariably discredits us and we get shunned by others or left feeling ashamed and depressed at some level. We tend to get financially as well as emotionally devastated if not physically abused in the process. But we can find strength among similarly situated people, determined to triumph over everyone and everything inclined to victimize them.  


This process of forming Justice Trios will be as difficult or as easy as any of us finds making friends among strangers or rekindling relationships with estranged family and friends, but we have a motive for expanding our comfort zones: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in America.


Isolation Undermines Political Power.


As of at least the last two decades, a certain amount of internet and social networking proficiency, plus the willingness to peacefully assemble as part of community mobilizing have become an essential part of protecting individual liberty, especially for average Americans.  To be effective, grassroots struggles for justice need to increasingly rival top tier "get out the vote" campaigns.  Online mobilization is essential, but there also comes a time to, as the saying goes, hit the streets!


GREAT NEWS:  Our Republic and Democracy Persist.


Contrary to what we have good reason to think most times of late, America as a republic and democracy has not vanished.  Average Americans need only seize the reins of it and pull our government back in the direction of serving our best interests. That is not to suggest we can or should even try to outspend the moneyed powers that otherwise purchase our republic and democracy. Instead, we should take our rightful place in the democratic process; a role that entails more than "speaking truth to power", especially if we sit back and wait for "power" to listen and act accordingly.


An Engaged Society Maintains A Healthy Balance.


An engaged society continuously speaks truth among the masses (online and in person); backs that truth with effective, lawful action plus some bucks to keep the wheels of justice turning (even if the funds are coins from our sofa pillows); and perceives "We The People" as opposed to America's ruling class as invincible.  In following this formula we do not all become 24/7 activists; rather 24/7 engaged citizens -- some more active than others; some more directly involved than others; some more financially vested than others . . . but all active, directly involved, and financially vested.

You plus two are a Justice Trio!

The Justice Trio Campaign
May 7, 2014 - July 7, 2014
  • Get Connected.  Join the NFOJA group for your state of residence.  Starting late Spring 2014, all NFOJA state groups will be hosting online mixers to help build comraderie among their members.  CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW


  • Drop Us A Line.  Perhaps you are already part of a Justice Trio.  It may be that members of your Justice Trio would prefer to collaborate without joining a NFOJA state group.  Whatever the case may be, please let us know as soon as your Justice Trio is formed and please, let us know:  the names, email addresses, and city, state, as well as zip code of all involved.  CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US


  • Questions or Comments:  It is difficult for our small staff to handle a high volume of phone calls.  So please use our online contact form, especially for initial inquiries.  CLICK HERE TO DROP US A LINE

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